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. световни ски новини : Atomic Waymaker изкачи беккънтри ски туринг спорта на по-горно ниво! - 08 Април 2013 - 19:57
The Ultimate Backcountry Touring Challenge @ Dachstein, Austria

БЕККЪНТРИ СКИ ТУРИНГ (SKI.BG) -- На въпроса каква е тяхната цел, зададен на старта на Atomic Waymaker, от отбора "United States of Canada" отговориха емоционално и същевременно иронично: "Да можем да кажем след 20 години, че сме участвали в най-пъровото, напълно успешно издание на Atomic Waymaker."

Team Weride at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 7th, 2013 Photo: Ray Demski

На финала тримата топ атлети от САЩ и Канада успяха да доокрасят своя разказ с доста впечатляваща кулминация - защото не само че се състезаваха в първия Atomic Waymaker, но и го спечелиха.

Това е освен една много символична победа за триото от световна класа Marc Smiley, Andrew McNab и Reiner Thoni но е индикация за това, какво предстои в близко бъдеще: това ски туринг предизвикателство - което изизсква отлични физически способности и креативност, опитност с навигацията и върховна фрий-ски техника, достатъчно отговорност и отборен дух - има международен потенциал. "Atomic Waymaker е повратна точка. Аз вярвам, че това събитие може да изкачи ски туринг спорта на едно по-горно ниво," сподели Patrick Tritscher от екипа на Waymaker организаторите.

Strabag Alpin Team_at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 7th 2013 © Armin Walcher

Team Preber_at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 7th, 2013 Jakob Schweighofer

Thoni Reiner

Event Participants at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 7th, 2013 Photo: Ray Demski

"Ние сме изключително горди, че спечелихме това състезание," добави Marc Smiley, който се надява, заедно със своята жена Janelle, да стане първия участник във всичките 50 класически алпинистки катерения в Северна Америка през 2014. "Имахме два фантастични дни в Дахщайн. Едно от днешните спускания ни мина през стръмен кулоар (изключитено тясно дере) с наклон от над 50 градуса, където имаше страхотен сняг – това беше едно преживяване, което засенчва вичко друго, което сме правили в Европа."

Team United States of Canada winners of the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 7th, 2013 Photo: Ray Demski

Имаше плътна мъгла между Ödensee и Krippenstein събота, а в неделя условията бяха дори още по-лоши: в 5:00 ч. сутринта на старта в Krippenstein видимостта беше намалена от мъглата до едва няколко метра. Затова журито беше принудено да отмени своите оценки на отборите около 11:00 ч и да им позволи да достигнат финала по тяхно собствено темпо. "Безопасността е на първо място," коментира Putz.

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Atomic Waymaker, Day 1: Test of strength on the Krippenstein

On day one of the Atomic Waymaker, the competitors were up against thick fog between Pichl-Kainisch and Krippenstein. The athletes made up for poor visibility with maximum performance – to the delight of the panel of expert judges which includes Red Bull Air Race Champion Hannes Arch and legendary climber Beat Kammerlander.

Team Weride at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 6th, 2013 Photo: Ray Demski

The start at Ödensee: thick fog.
On the Däumkogel: thick fog.
The finish on the Krippenstein: thick fog.

"It's incredible," said Red Bull Air Race Champion and Atomic Waymaker judge Hannes Arch, "that the athletes still managed to do their thing today despite the adverse weather conditions."

PreberTeam_at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 6th 2013 © Jakob Schweighofer

Eight three-man teams set off from Ödensee at 7am on Saturday, arriving at Krippenstein between 3 and 4pm. They were allowed to plan their own route - apart from the fixed point of Däumkogel - in between: because Atomic Waymaker is not about achieving the quickest time. It's about planning the most creative route and demonstrating the greatest versatility.

Team Kilians Choice at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 6th, 2013 Photo: Ray Demski

"The first day of Atomic Waymaker has been impressive," said Head Judge Heli Putz. "To my knowledge, many of the routes taken today have never been used. It's surprised us just how varied the routes taken by the teams have been." (The live tracking traces on show just how differently the terrain was used). Putz is especially pleased that "All of the teams took our "safety first" mandate seriously and showed responsibility in adapting to the challenging conditions."

The United Sates of Canada_at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 6th 2013 © Jakob Schweighofer

For competitive climbing pioneer Beat Kammerlander, day one of the Waymaker was indicative of form. "Before we hit the high alpine terrain tomorrow, with its steep gorges and abseil points, I first wanted to make sure that all of the competitors were capable of negotiating the rocks. That's why I paid close attention to the teams on the via ferratas on the Däumkogel. My conclusion: top performances across the board."

Team Yellow Travel at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 6th, 2013 Photo: Ray Demski

Preber Team at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 6th, 2013 Photo: Ray Demski

Team Kilians Choice at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 6th, 2013 Photo: Ray Demski

The teams also demonstrated outstanding conditional performance: over almost nine hours of competition, no fewer than three teams managed an elevation gain of 3,000 meters and covered 30 km. Judge Andi Ringhofer, himself an endurance king, applauded them for it: "We sat down last night and observed the teams planning their routes. We thought some of them were a bit on the ambitious side - so it's incredible that almost all of them actually carried it off."

Kufsteiner Kaiser Schitourer_at the Atomic Waymaker at Dachstein, Austria on April 6th 2013 © Jakob Schweighofer

Atomic freeskier Matthias "Hauni" Haunholder focused on the downhills: "It was a day which freeriders would normally consider a typical down day."

For him, those teams which didn't know their way around the terrain were the biggest surprise: "They set off with the abandon of freeriders and found some cool routes. I've been really impressed by their committed performances in spite of the challenging conditions."

Atomic Waymaker

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