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. световни ски новини : Магнус Крог спечели първа победа за сезона в северната комбинация за Световната купа - 25 Ноември 2011 - 22:39

СЕВЕРНА КОМБИНАЦИЯ, СВЕТОВНА КУПА. Норвежецът Магнус Крог спечели първа победа за сезона в суперкомбинацията от Световната купа по ски-северни дисциплини.

Крог завърши с 2.5 секунди пред японеца Акито Уатабе в 10-километровото бягане, а освен това победи шампиона Тино Еделман (Германия) със 7.1 секунди разлика.

Еделман, който спечели индивидуалния скок от голямата шанца, започна бягането с 59 секунди аванс пред Крог. Австриецът Вилхелм Денифел беше втори в скока, следван от Яне Ринанен (Финландия). Крог беше четвърти в скока, но спечели, както самият той каза след състезанието, една "великолепна" победа в бягането.

"Доволен съм най-вече от скока, защото той е най-труден за мен. Знам, че съм доста силен в бягането и точно това е причината да знам, че мога да постигна силни резултати с четвърто място в скачането. Щастлив съм..." - завърши лаконично норвежецът.
25.11.2011 | 22:37 ч

Winner Krog more than happy in Kuusamo
First Nordic Combined Competition - First Victory for Magnus Krog

NORDIC COMBINED WORLD CUP. At the press conference after his first World Cup victory in Kuusamo Norwegian Magnus Krog was more than happy and also a bit surprised. "During the race I always thought I will fight for the second place because Tino Edelmann can win such a race. But he didn't look that good anymore in the final lap and so I could attack in the final climb and break away", the 24-year-old analyzed the race.

Concerning the future expectations and goals Krog remains modest. "It's a huge honor for me to wear the yellow bib. Of course I want to keep it as long as possible but I don't think I'm a contestant for the overall World Cup title." His goal is to achieve more podium results, said Krog. His teammates Magnus Moan as sixth and Mikko Kokslien as eighth completed the strong team result of the Norwegians.

Akito Watabe was also happy with the second podium finish of his career. "I'm very happy about my second place. I tried to win, but at the end I didn't have enough energy and could not keep up."

Also Tino Edelmann, who was in the lead for a long time, was surprised by his performance. "I really thought that my teammates Eric Frenzel and Bjoern Kircheisen are stronger than me. I didn't have a good summer and was sick for a long time, that's why my shape in cross country is really bad right now." A Top 20 result was what he thought would be possible for him. "It was definitely neccessary to have some luck at the hill. But I hope that I can improve my shape during the season. There's still a lot of work left to do."

Silke Tegethof/Mariele Stockinger
25.11.2011 20:57

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