SKI.BG > SKI in Bulgaria -

. ski racing tips : Alpine Racing - Technical Statement 3 (by SvetSki) - 08 April 2003 - 17:00

The best possible turn occurs with the outside and inside skis parallel and equally edged. The feet, shins, knees, and thighs should be parallel whenever possible. Stance width should be generally hip width, or wide enough to place two boot widths between the boots. Ankles will be flexed forward with the hips in a position to place the balance on the ball of the foot. The inside ski should be on the snow and complimenting the action of the outside ski, even when the outside ski is the more dominant one.
While parallel skis and feet and legs are usually most favorable, it will undoubtedly be important for the skier to develop the ability to use independent leg action when necessary.
The inside foot and knee may be advanced according to the slant of the hill, or the amount of angulation, or both.

The upper body should be quiet, with the shoulders level to the horizon. Arms should be in front, in the field of vision. The demands of modern skiing require that the hands and arms be more disciplined that ever before.
Ideally the body will neither rotate nor counter rotate excessively. In general it can be said that all the body parts will line up with the feet. If the inside foot is advanced slightly, the knees, hips and shoulders will be advanced a like amount. Excessive rotation and counter rotation takes much time and may cause the skis to skid and travel more slowly. 

by SvetSki 

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