SKI.BG > SKI in Bulgaria -

. : ispo On Snow Preview - 01 February 2011 - 20:06

At the ispo On Snow Preview which took place few days ago, ispo presented this year's award winning products to the media. TV stations took their chance to report about trends and innovations before ispo opens its gates. Among other things, the ispo BrandNew Awards have played an important role this year as well.

Last week the media event "ispo On Snow Preview" took place in the mountains of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, where TV stations had the opportunity to test products, film and report directly about the products. A unique chance for the TV stations to cover the hottest products that you will be able to see at ispo.

As the focus was especially on innovations, selected exhibitors of the ispo BrandNew Awards attended in order to present their products.

Blue sky, sunshine and powder snow. What more can you wish for? Perfect conditions for the TV reports at the Kreuzeck-Bahn in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. This year German TV stations like ZDF, ZDF Neo, SAT1, N24, ARD Bayerischer Rundfunk and RTL seized their chance to test the winning products and interview their inventors.

Already on Friday afternoon the first shows were broadcast on German television; during the weekend more reports followed.

Additionally, 2 of ispo´s own TV teams were present, covering mostly ispo BrandNew participants. Enjoy some impressions of the work of the camera teams on the mountain.

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