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Author: skiguidebg
Posted: 23-02-2010 15:22:18
Exclusive interview with Bansko Mayor
Simon Feek
Most politicians are wary of the press, to say the least. So I was pleased to be granted access to one of the country’s most high-profile local politicians, Alexander Kravarov, mayor of the municipality of Bansko.
During his two terms and 11 years in office, Kravarov has come under considerable fire for Bansko’s rapid development which has turned it from a sleepy and beautiful UNESCO-protected village into Bulgaria’s most modern ski resort.
We met in Kravarov’s spacious office at the main municipality building on a sunny February afternoon. Initial impressions are of a laid-back but focussed community leader. Wearing a Bulgarian Mountain Rescue fleece, it quickly became clear he was more interested in promoting his town than himself.
Kravarov is born and bred Bansko. His wife and two sons all live and work in Bansko. Before public life brought him to his mayoral office, he had a successful construction business as well as a company that manufactured furniture, both of which dissolved after he began paying more attention to his municipality duties than his private business.
Greek tragedy
Perhaps the overriding question in everyone’s mind is the impact of the current financial crisis on Bansko in terms of tourist numbers.
"The crisis has, of course, been felt in Bansko," said Kravarov. "Fewer people are investing in property and business than before, but in general I believe we have felt it less than most other parts of Bulgaria. This is because our main source of income in Bansko is tourism, which has remained relatively unaffected."
Kravarov declined to compare tourist numbers to the previous year, saying it was "too early" to do so but conceded that "Bansko is suffering from the closure of the (Greek) border by Greek farmers". He said that, usually, 3000 Greek tourists come to Bansko every day in the winter season and that the loss of income was significant.
Any frequent visitor to Bansko can attest to that. At times in the season it seems like every other car has a Greek number plate. There has, however, been a significant increase in Serb, Macedonian and even Romanian tourist number plates around town this year, compensating at least partially for the Greek shortfall. It is clear, however, that the 15 000 hotel beds (and even more privately-owned apartments) or the 20 000 people per day ski zone capacity is nowhere close to being fulfilled while the border crisis continues.
"This is a traditionally quiet part of the season but with the British school holidays beginning next week as well as the prediction that the border will re-open after the weekend we do not perceive this as a long-term problem," the mayor said.
Passing the baton
Read more here.... |
 | Author: skibum12321
Posted: 24-02-2010 02:02:02
| ha ha ha
goliam smiah pada
G-n Kravarov dava interviu .
Haide pak malko reklamka na niakoi zakusal anglichanin koito si e izdurpal kosata ot iad che se e nabutal s apartamentche koeto sega niama nilkakva stoinost i sega tova samo mu ostava da si pravi interviuta. |
Author: BBB
Posted: 23-02-2010 16:35:22
| I don't care what does Kravarov said!! No one foreign tourist visited once BG, never back again. It is becouse in our country "tourism" was build without strategy for the future. Only the greednes of the faster profits and money laundryng was leadered when our resorrts was constructed with concrete. There is not adequate infrastructure and modern logistic.
Information systems and everithing necesary for the normal functioning of the resorts missed too. It is clear that no one tourist doesn't likes this. It is organisational problem of the municipaly. and this problem wil be never permited becouse the interests of ours politicains are only, how to make their selfs rich gays. And finaly I'll say that the crisis in BG tourism just starts. Lets see you in the present forum in 2 years after with the same topic to observed the situation.
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